Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I love you guys!

Well, I'm sitting here on my computer, when I should be sleeping (as usual). I was feeling just a bit sentimental, and wanted to go to this blog to feel even more sentimental.

JP, I am loving that you are doing the logo for our beloved Badger. I can't wait to see the final-final product!

Everyone else--I love running into you, and just catching up. I was lucky and was invited to dinner at the Davis' home. Max, I just love your family! Gabe is going to be a great missionary, and your mom is just awe inspiring. I always leave feeling uplifted; and you, of course, are great to have a conversation with!

Lark and I were finally room mates this semester...for about 1 1/2 months. Now she's off at Badger, trying to thump me in the position of "the chef." ;)

I don't really know why I'm writing all this right now. I just really love you all, and I miss you all, and I really do hope that we can stay in touch and really love and support each other in all the good things we do!

Hope everyone is doing well. To those of you who don't post very much: please do! Keep us updated!

Love you guys!

-Rachel, amazing ninja, chef extraordinaire

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

First off, there are a ton of exciting things happening with everyone and I am so excited. And there is even more! But I won't spoil the surprise for others:)
Just wanted to update you on the logo. Here is a latest version that I was toying with. My thoughts are back to basic and simple as everything including life seems when you are at Badger.
(Colors are always subject to change).

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Zion The Never Ending Quest

Ok, so I just got back from doing Summit. Which was amazing for all of you wondering how it was. It was different from Badger that is for sure. However, that feeling of being in a group with a common purpose and goal reminded me of Badger. I wish I could have that feeling of Zion with me always. It is a quest that I have been working on and will continue to work on for forever.

I do believe I have had glimpses of Zion. I have seen Zion when people who get to sleep in the warm comfort of the lodge go out of their way to bring me a warm nalgene, or when someone knows when to call me at just the right moment on a bad day. I have seen it when trying to mountain bike a ridiculously long uphill road, and in my usual style have injured myself to the point that I can't even push my bike up the hill, and a close friend pushes it for me. I could go on and on. I am truly grateful for all of you that help me come closer to understanding Zion and how to build it. It is that never ending quest to find it and make it bigger. I love you all.


P.S. Jeremy gets home on Wednesday, Yay!! Also, Congrats on the BABY Megan, I can't wait to meet one of the luckiest children alive, do to the fact they will have amazing parents.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

O'Brien Update

I just realized, I don't think I have ever posted something! I think it's about time.
I thought I would fill everyone in on recent events that have occured in our live:

1) Jordan is LOVING his job at Unicity as their graphic designer. In fact the company love him so much that they are doing everything to keep him including sending the two of us to Cancun on vacation! Wahoo! It looks like we will be in Utah for a little while.

2) The last few months have been the most stressful time in my life. I have been able to finish all my school requirements and graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene. I successfully took and passed the National Written Exam. I passed my anesthesia exam and am now licensed to give local anesthesia. And I finally finished last Friday with my Clinical exam, but I won't find out if I passed for another month. (but I feel good about it).

3) I recieved my very first IV in the hospital because I have been very sick through this whole ordeal.

4) Oh yeah...and did I mention, Baby O'Brien will be joining our family in November!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I Need ALL of the Badgers Help

Hey everyone. First off, I just found out that I was spelling Hey wrong my whole life. Secondly, I just got done with another amazing opportunity to work at Badger Creek for a short 7 weeks. It was amazing. I have gone through many of the feelings that Tiffany spoke of in her last post. Finally I settled on the feeling that no matter where I go (and I will be going places) Badger Creek will keep being an amazing place that even if we have been distant from it for years.
I'm sure many of you have felt the desire to help it out. I have felt that many times and thought that when I am rich, I will do likewise. But the fact is that we all have helped Badger by giving it our talents and time. I have been given an opportunity to help with mine. I hope that you can with yours as well as follows.
Badger Creek is an eve evolving entity. So has it's appearance been. It doesn't have a solid visual identity. Below are some examples of logos. I need your help to determine what you guys feel about the direction of them. As you can imagine, creating a symbol for a symbol of something so great in the history of our lives is daunting. I don't want to create something lacking that is attributed to me but rather something cool that is attributed to us.
IMPORTANT NOTE: These are IDEAS. Meaning some are more refined then others. So their finished product gives them a nicer feel. All will be finished with a nicer feel, but right now the most important thing is the simple form-the unifying element. There may be a number of logos (a mother one for Badger, one fore OYA, Quest, etc.) but even though they may be different, they will have a similar unifying element. These are just ideas, starting places. The borders, boxes etc. can all be changed around. There will be different versions. For example, a detailed ornate one for a plaque, another for a letter head, simpler for shirts. Should the staff coats have a different logo then the program title? Or maybe I'm missing an idea all together. Please give me your input and ideas in any and all aspects. Thank you so much and I hope that life is finding EVERY one of you well. I miss and love you guys.


Friday, April 22, 2011

Dreaming of Badger

Last night I dreampt that I was at Badger for training as a staff member. I was driving in a car to the upper pasture with Karrie and Brother A for a campfire to start training. It was then that I realized I had a little baby and husband at home. I was really worried about spending the whole summer away from them. I told Brother A that I couldn't work because I would have to wean my baby and I would even get to see my family every weekend because it was too far. I was torn because I loved Badger, but I knew my life had changed and I could never be a staffer again. I quickly went back to the lodge to grab my camera for some pictures before I departed.
My life has certainly changed, but I guess I will always have a desire to spend my summers at Badger Creek. For those of you that still can, enjoy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Badgers...I miss you

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Addition to the Lehmitz Family

Cole Emerson Lehmitz
Born February 12, 2011
6 lbs. 14 oz.
9 days late
There were complications at birth, but he's doing fine now.
To read about the birth story, go to
facebook or e-mail me if you need permission to view it.
To view more pictures, go to

Friday, February 11, 2011

90 Day Goal

Hello my Badger friends,

So...I am in a program called power 90. In that program we have 90 days to complete a goal that is so big that we know we couldn't have done it without the program. My 90 day goal is to become a....

Talk Show Host excited. It's pretty "out there", but I thought I'd declare it to all of you. I'm gonna need all the support I can get. I'll keep you updated on my progress. It should be epic.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

From Europe with Love

Mission: Backpack Europe April/May 2012

It's happening with or without you...with you would be better.

Oh yes!